They sent me to Binghamton

I've always wanted to be on the east coast, and the universe responded…by sending me to Binghamton, NY. Oh you've never heard of it? Neither had I, but I do so love adventures and that's how I choose to view this. Let the adventures begin!

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Always Remember


There really are no words. I didn’t know anyone personally who was a victim of this horrific event but when I went to the WTC memorial I immediately felt…something. It was a feeling that you felt straight in your chest, that deep, heavy weight that tells you something just isn’t right. It wasn’t right. It was awful. It was one of those things that makes me appalled at what people are capable of doing to their fellow man. I choose not to focus on that though. Instead I choose to focus on how we came together and helped each other out through such a tragic time in our lives. People may be capable of atrocities but they are also capable of goodness. There’s already so much hate and anger around us that I do not want to perpetuate it. I choose instead to love.

Always remember.